There is a dedicated on-site carshare parking space, four on-site electric vehicle charging stations, as well as an automated parking system all with controlled access to the parking garage. The semi-automated CARMATRIX® parking system efficiently uses a compact space in the parking garage while providing 17 spaces in the footprint of six traditional spaces. See how it works here.
Did you know that Zipcars live right outside your building? With Zipcar, you can use our vehicles by the hour or by the day, and your reservation will always includes gas, insurance, and 180 miles per day. We have over 200 vehicles throughout Portland, with at least 20 different makes and models ready for you to use at a moment’s notice. Zipcar Portland has partnered with The Albert to provide you with 50% off your first year’s annual fee as well as $30 in free driving to get you started! For more information and to sign up, visit To see the on-site Zipcars or our other vehicle locations around Portland, visit